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SBD Cycle Friendly Employer Initiative
SBD Cycle Friendly Employer Initiative.
Sign up to make your workplace a Cycle-Friendly Workplace and help to make SBD Ireland’s First Cycle-Friendly Business District in collaboration with Cycling Solutions Ireland.
Cycle Friendly Employer (CFE) is an initiative designed by the EU and the European Cyclists’ Federation to provide employers with EU-standard certification to measure their bicycle friendliness in the workplace (i.e. adequate bike parking facilities, showers, mechanic services, employee development and staff wellness/CSR programmes etc.). The goal of the project is to encourage employees to cycle to work by helping employers to provide the required facilities and resources – and to acknowledge the companies that do so with EU Cycle Friendly Employer Accreditation.
SBD Employers can register your interest here: Self Evaluation - Cycling Friendly Employer Ireland (cyclingsolutionsireland.ie)
Closing date for the first 30 employers in Phase 1 is Friday 25th Feb 2022
For more details go to https://www.sandyford.ie/news-events/news/sbd-cycle-friendly-employer-initiative