Gallery Sandyford Pedal Pulse Project

Sandyford Pedal Pulse is a partnership between Sandyford Business District, Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council and supplier See.Sense

for an innovative project to use data from cyclists to help get more people on their bikes. This data will help identify and prioritise investments in cycling infrastructure and policies.
This will allow cycling to integrate fully as an efficient and sustainable transport alternative to the car and provide the opportunity to significantly boost the number of cyclists across the District.

The Sandyford Pedal Pulse project will issue 200 Bike-Light Sensors to Sandyford Business District commuters which will record road surface conditions, travel routes, near misses, etc. The data generated will help to inform cycle infrastructure planning, prevent accidents, and encourage active travel.

We are looking for 200 cyclists to participate in this initiative. If you are interested register here: