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And that’s a wrap!

And that’s a wrap!!
A huge thank you to everyone who attended our Innovation Summit at Leopardstown Racecourse on September 27th & 28th
A special thanks to all our fantastic speakers, exhibitors (internal and external) who all contributed to a very successful event. If you missed it you can catch a quick look here https://youtu.be/c_S6YAhfzGk
Thanks to our wonderful moderators
Lorraine Higgins
Geraldine Herbert
Dr Cera Slevin
and Derek Reilly who was also our MC over the 2 days
Thanks to
- Leopardstown Racecourse, Horse Racing Ireland and Fitzers Catering
- Digital X Ireland and Sound AV
- Studio AVA
- All the transport companies who provided transport to and from the car park to the event to help us showcase our mobility Island concept.
And finally thank you to Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council and all the businesses in Sandyford Business District for their continued support.