Spotlight on Sandyford Business Series

We want to shine a light on the great businesses in the District. Each week we’ll be featuring a different local business. As this is World Mental Health month we wanted to shine the spotlight on The Down Syndrome Centre
Here’s what they told us about themselves…
The Down Syndrome Centre opened its doors to Irelands’ first service led centre for children with Down syndrome in 2014 in response to a gap in the provision of access to essential early intervention services. The centre was founded by Peter and Mary Gaw, because of their frustration at not being able to access relevant services for their two youngest children, both of whom have Down syndrome.
The Centre, situated on Furze Road in Sandyford, provides essential early intervention support to over 250 children a week, enabling them to reach their full potential and creating a brighter and more inclusive future.
The quality of health care, intervention and community support provided to children and adults with Down syndrome makes a real difference to their quality of life.
Children with Down Syndrome have additional needs, but this should not prevent them from leading a full and meaningful life.
The Down Syndrome Centre is a purpose-built facility offering Occupation Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Physiotherapy, and many specialised programmes and resources for children and their families. We have a highly skilled clinical team working full time to ensure that the children attending the centre develop to their full potential.
The joys of parenting hold true no matter what your child’s abilities are. But when your child has Down syndrome, you face a set of challenges most parents do not.
Another important support being provided at the centre, is a community hub for the whole family unit, providing a networking facility for peer-to-peer support.
We welcome the opportunity to discuss the centre in more details with the view to Corporate Partnership for 2022.
If you would like to learn more about how we can work together, please contact our Fundraising Team on 01-6618000
The Down Syndrome Centre
Unit 3, 82 Furze Rd,
Sandyford Business Park,
Sandyford, Dublin 18