Pandemic Unemployment Payment Changes
New Pandemic Unemployment Payment Rates
The two-tiered payment structure for people receiving the Pandemic Unemployment Payment takes effect from today (Tuesday 7th of July).
Weekly Average Earnings in 2019 or Jan/Feb 2020: Weekly Pandemic Unemployment Payment:
Less than €200 gross - €203
€200 or more - €350
Self-employed - Amount assessed based on 2018 returns to the Revenue Commissioners
Any person who believes that their new payment rate does not accurately reflect their prior earnings can contact the Department to request a review of earnings and forward all supporting documents, which will be matched with Revenue records. They can contact the Department by;
Write: Pandemic Unemployment Rerate Requests, DEASP, Intreo Centre, Cork Road, Waterford
Call: 1890 800 024
Returning to Work?
Workers who are returning to work must close their claim for the PUP payment on the actual date that they start back at work. The easiest way to close a claim for the Pandemic Unemployment Payment is online via . Any worker returning to work with an enquiry about closing their claim, can contact the Department’s dedicated income support helpline at 1890 800 024 (Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 5.00pm).
Continued eligibility to receive Pandemic Unemployment Payment
As is standard with all jobseeker payments people receiving the Pandemic Unemployment Payment are required to confirm their eligibility to continue to receive the payment. They can do this online and must do so no later than Monday, 13th July. Failure to do so may affect their entitlement to continue to receive a payment.
To do so, recipients should use the online portal and follow the instructions under the heading ‘continue eligibility to receive Pandemic Unemployment Payment’. This is the simplest and easiest way to do so. Any person who experiences difficulty in doing this should contact the helpline 1890 800 024 (Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 5.00pm.)
Covid-19 Information:
- Easing of Restrictions for June and July June 02
- Government Outlines Changes To Covid Support Schemes October 21
- New Voluntary Code of Conduct Between Landlords and Business Representatives for Commercial Renters. October 06
- Further Extension Of Suspension Of Redundancy Provisions September 21
- Living With COVID-19 - 5 Stage Plan September 21
- €2 billion COVID-19 Credit Guarantee Scheme opens for applications September 09
- Government’s new Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme September 07
- New COVID-19 Business Loan Scheme announced by MFI September 03
- COVID-19 Online Retail Scheme August 31
- New Public Health Measures August 19
- Restart Grant Plus Information August 13
- An overview of the Government’s July Stimulus Plan July 28
- COVID-19 Street Furniture Grant Scheme July 09
- Pandemic Unemployment Payment Changes July 07
- Temporary COVID-19 Street Furniture Licence June 29
- Restart Grant Information June 15
- Sandyford Business District Guidance for re-opening of Phase 2 June 08
- National Return to Work Safely Protocol May 11
- Overview of Reopening Phases May 05
- Roadmap For Reopening Society And Business May 05
- Draft Document between Fine Gael & Fianna Fáil re: Government Formation April 20
- Changes to the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme April 17
- Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council and COVID-19 April 14
- The Emergency Measures In The Public Interest (COVID -19) Act 2020 April 14
- Information for Employers during COVID-19 April 14
- General Advice for Employees during COVID-19 March 24
- General Advice for Businesses during COVID -19 March 24
- COVID-19 Financial Supports March 20
- Sandyford Business District Service Continuity - COVID-19 March 13